Thursday, June 30, 2011

28 June 2011

I'm back.
Say goodbye to June and hello to July. Month of June filled with endless hours of overtime. However, hectic month isn't over yet, in fact it is just a starting. Excessive overtime can be a nightmare. Too anxiety in working. The same thing happened to my colleagues as well. The first thing that came up our mind every morning was "overtime". Workaholic also has limit. One day, we put down all the things and off sharply at 6pm to OVERTIME. Strictly no overtime after 6pm but overtime at OVERTIME!

Let's officially introduce my lovely collegues to you.

She has loads of patient and passion. I'm a slow learner but she would teach me over and over again. I've gained a lot worthy lessons from her!! I simply ♥ her so much. It's my pleasure to meet you. Really!

Jess Mei Mei is the most silly girl that I first met since I graduating from Univeristy.
She said she wants to be my girl friend. She is kinda cute!!

My big sisters Qi and LayKean

Fung and me ^^

We had ordered some snacks.
Not bad to try!!
I thought Overtime good in beer only but they also good in food.
Crispy fish fillets.

Homestyle prawn crackers.

I don't drink so one of the CBMs drew some fishes for me to raise in beer.

Had many glass of sky juice after trying some beer.
I feel plain water still the best and healthy.

They started to make fun around......

Group pic

This is how we spent our night after so many days of overtime, it was relax......
It's time to pick up my mama at airport.
Get to go.....

Last but not least, peace is something we do not value and appreciate but we only realize when it is gone.

Peace out.

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